The store domain shou d be secured with an SS certificate. data is visib e on y to the website owner and transmitted secure y maintaining consistency and integrity. The certificate revents a website other than the owner's website from being dis ayed under a domain and a ows it to meet GD R requirements. Thanks to SS the customer can be sure that cybercrimina s wi not stea his ersona data or credit card detai s.
This means that the store can count on % more customer interest. READ A SO Why is it worth having an SS certificate How to make customers come back to your on ine store Com etitive rices The rice of a Phone Number List roduct is sti the main factor motivating customers to make a urchase. This is es ecia y visib e in rice com arison websites. Here however as we mentioned socia roof is a so im ortant.
The rice of the roduct is inf uenced by de ivery costs. It is worth informing the customer about the shi ing rice from the very beginning of adding the roduct to the cart in order to avoid him abandoning the urchase when he rea izes the fina ex ense. A good idea to increase customer motivation for sho ing is a so to offer them free de ivery. In this way we can im rove one of the key erformance indicators in e commerc.