Google Bombing In 2008, Google Suggest was launched, which was displaying suggested search options based on the universal internet trends and historical data of the user. New user insights from keyword research tools, Google Trends, and Google Analytics were also major additions that brought digital marketers a new (big) box of tools.
SEO had become an industry of its own. 6. The Enlightenment of SEO (early 10’s — mid-10s) Our Email List history of SEO continues in the 2010s. At the beginning of the decade, Google released the Panda Farmer Update. This update punished websites that had thin, non-original, and low-quality content, like content farms and scraper sites.

The new release forced SEO to focus on higher-quality content. In 2012, Google continued to keep webmasters on their toes. There was another update, the Penguin Update that penalized everyone that was buying links or obtaining them through link networks that were designed to boost search rankings. against low-quality links, keyword stuffing, and web spam. A year later, Google released another update.