It must also be able to offer social selling tips because inbound marketing strategies increasingly use different social networks. But experience and skills aren't everything... automation tool they use. Indeed, if you subsequently want to reintegrate part of your inbound marketing strategy internally, it is better to first know the tool with which the chosen agency works. Is it accessible? Easy to understand and use? Or better, do you already know it and master it? The marketing automation tool used could well be a major criterion in your choice.
In addition to this, remember to check the number of references Phone Number Data it has with this tool in order to know if current customers are satisfied with it. But above all, check the mastery of this tool by the agency's various employees ! Why not request a demo so they can show you some of the automation steps? The share of inbound in its activity What's better than an agency that essentially provides inbound marketing services to help you implement your inbound marketing strategy? Nothing.

This is why, at first glance, it seems wise to turn to agencies that present themselves as such, that is to say as an “ inbound marketing agency ”. Many digital marketing or communication agencies have improvised themselves as inbound marketing professionals by selling certain inbound services. .. But this is actually not the case since inbound marketing only represents a tiny part for them. part of their activity.