The limits of CPL Of course, cost per lead remains an interesting metric when it comes to estimating the performance of a marketing campaign in generating leads. However, what's the point of generating thousands of leads if none turn into customers, and therefore revenue for the company? Cost per lead focuses on quantity, not qualitythe least, is indeed its lack of consideration of the quality of leads.
A campaign with a very low CPL may well generate fewer customers than a campaign with a high CPL. In this specific case, the volume of leads and its cost do not provide information on the real performance Belize WhatsApp Number of the campaign in generating turnover for the company. Worse, the metric can in this case push the marketing team to make bad decisions by favoring the campaign with a low CPL in its investments.
Lead status, by definition, does not provide information to estimate the amount of the sale that will be made, if it is made, or the duration of its sales cycle . However, these latter data are those that matter the most to the company. Beyond acquisition, loyalty and retention objectives If for a long time, the acquisition of new customers was the main focus of companies and therefore of marketing teams, this is no longer true today.