with the sole purpose of taking them on that journey. Sell your information products to your subscriber list If you have an email marketing strategy in place to create your subscriber list, you can use the emails you normally send to make sales. More importantly, this is something you should do because if you just send them emails telling them things and don’t take them to sales, the pipeline you’re investing in isn’t going to pay off. Here you can create different emails for direct sales where you talk to them about your information product. Talk about a topic you delve
into in your information product, but in an introductory way that leaves you wanting more. Address your potential customers' different problems or needs so they know they have to solve them and that your information product is designed to help them do so. Tell NewZealand Phone Numbers 1 Million List the story of the achievements of people who have purchased your information product. Tell an anecdote, experience, or story to make them realize the importance of what they learned using your information product. In this case, it’s important that if you have a list of subscribers but you’re not actively working
on it yet, let’s say at least one email per week, then you need to have some strategies in place to reactivate your subscriptions before you start selling. list of users. what do you have. Webinars or Masterclasses Another interesting option is to create webinars or introductory way that leaves you wanting more. Address your potential customers' different problems or needs so they know they have to solve them and that your information product is designed to help them do so. Tell the story of the achievements of people who have purchased your information product. Tell an anecdote, experience, or story to make them realize the importance of what they learned using your information product.