When creating a community on VK, the service today offers 6 different formats: Event, Interest Group, Business, Thematic Community, Public Page, Brand or Organization.
In fact, in terms of equipment and operating principles of the above formats, they wordpress web design agency can be divided into three main types: Events, Groups and Public Pages. Let's look at each of them separately to highlight their characteristic features and determine the difference.
Event“Event” refers to an information community dedicated to some event.
Such communities can be open or closed (in the closed format, approval for joining is required from the management). The administration of this type of community can invite and also remove community users.
Perhaps the main differences between the “Event” format and the other two are:
the presence of an organizer in the form of an individual (indicating a personal page) or in the form of a community (another group or public page);
the ability to set the date and time of the event → thus, community users receive timely notifications and reminders about the upcoming event;
a selection of options for joining a community, provided to allows organizers to better plan the event in terms of the number of potential visitors.
As you may have noticed, with the “Event” format everything is on the surface. It can be a community dedicated to a concert, a competition or the opening of some establishment.
Between the two remaining types of communities the difference is much less obvious.
Let's talk about "Groups" in VK. Often, this type of community is mistakenly understood to mean all community options available in the social network. However, there is still a difference.
This format is used, as a rule, as a union of people with similar interests, preferences, hobbies. Groups can be oriented towards a community of people working or studying in one organization or, in general, towards like-minded people in their beliefs, and so on.
There are several subtypes. As in the Event format, groups can be open (free for all users to join), closed (available only upon approval from the community administration), and private (available for joining only upon invitation from the community administration). It is possible to change the group availability format during the community management process, however, once 10,000 participants are reached, changes can only be made once a month.
The news wall in the group can be left either open or closed. In the case of an open wall, all users can freely publish information, in a community with a closed wall, posting publications is available only to the community administration.
In terms of visuals, all community data (audio recordings, photos and videos) are located at the top of the screen. A block with document files is also available in the “Groups” format.
Public page
Public page
Public pages or, as they are often called, “publics” are information and news portals dedicated to a specific organization/brand/famous person. With the help of a public page, you can actually create an “event”, acting as the organizer.
Unlike other VK community formats, such communities can be exclusively open to all users. However, the right to publish the main news content is exclusively with the page administration (participants can “offer news” to the management using a special button).
From a visual perspective, all community data (audio recordings, photos and videos) are located on the right side of the screen.