Organizing your website into subdirectories and having clear text strings slugs at the end of each URL you will help are and what topics you prioritize. We'll talk more about this topic in a minute . For example, if you want to start a gardening blog and plan to publish content about plants, watering, and pests, it would be in your best interest to organize your website content into these three subdirectories. A good URL for such a blog might look like this produce how to grow tomatoes . Domain security Importance very important Notice the "https" at the beginning of our example URL.
This is how Google distinguishes secure websites from unsafe ones. Tip Of course you photo editing servies want your site to be secure. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and represents the virtual process of transferring information from a website to a visitor's browser. HTTPS is a secure version of this protocol and ensures Google that the information it indexes is safe for the search engine. "as you probably guessed, stands for "secure.

To secure your website's domain, you will need what is called an SSL certificate. Learn more about obtaining such a certificate in this blog post. . Incoming links Importance super important Inbound links, also known as “backlinks,” are all hyperlinks that point to your page from other sources on the Internet. They significantly affect your ranking, right down to the page number you end up on.