Google Forms and make it mandatory to fill out. Also ask them to leave serial numbers in the comments to the competition post. You can choose a winner using a random number generator, and launch the competition itself using a bot (Voter, Tegive). Read also: “All about bots in Telegram: why they are useful, how to create and use ready-made ones.” Live broadcasts If you are an expert, you can conduct live broadcasts, including with other experts, for mutual PR, where you invite viewers to your Telegram channel. This method of attracting traffic to a telegram channel will help you recruit a targeted, interested audience.
If you don’t know what to talk about on air, first collect questions from the audience. People will have an additional incentive to come. To get as much traffic as possible to your telegram channel in this way, announce the broadcast in advance on all available resources. Content Web Development Services marketing Another way to attract traffic to the messenger or social networks is to publish free articles in the general feed of open information resources, such Naked Science. Articles contain links to the telegram channel. Publications will be constantly available in the public domain, and if the material receives good coverage, traffic to Telegram from this source will grow.

How to measure traffic to a Telegram channel from different sources To effectively pump traffic through Telegram, you need to understand where it comes from. There are several ways to find out statistics on a new audience. Telegram channel statistics In the web version or in the mobile application, you can view the internal statistics of the telegram channel. To do this, click on the channel name (then on three dots in the upper right corner on the phone) and find the statistics icon (section) in the upper right corner. How to go to telegram channel statistics.