Of the analysis service you can analyze not only the profiles of other people but also your own profile. see what styles of content people like (e.g. improv and baking video formats). Secondly, a large number of popular posts have the same topics which means it captures the most people (relationships, parents and children, etc.). Comedians can draw from these topics to create unique and entertaining material.
That can easily be spread online. Let’s just cite a few comedians as last database examples. But it's important to understand that every comedian and every audience member has their own preferences. This means you can recruit comedians who share your style and analyze them to make them better, funnier, and more popular. The official tool belonging to a banned organization in the Russian Federation allows you to analyze your channel's statistics including views, likes.

Comments and subscribers. Provides detailed analysis not only for your channel but also for your competitors. With this you can find out which videos are the most popular with your competitors, which themes and formats are the most successful, shadowbanning flags on videos, effective removal of social shares, all the most important things about shadowbanning that is a nightmare for anyone . It would be even worse if it were a waking dream.