Today the visual layout designers that are most in demand on the market are Elementor, Divi and Squarespace since their creators have thought about the WPO and guarantee you templates capable of optimizing. 3. Install only the necessary plugins We recognize that programming and coding are not for everyone. «That's why plugins exist, they solve everything!» Yes and no. The ideal is that you do not overload code that slows down your website, so it is good that you rely on the use of some plugins to optimize it; However, not all plugins are 100% necessary. And this is because each one has a series of codes that are added to your website at the time of installation and that can modify the performance of the page if they take up a lot of space or are installed in the wrong file.
We have also seen that an update of a single plugin has taken down an entire phone numbers data website due to incompatibilities in its codes . What plugins are recommended to install? Those that allow you to clear the site cache: WpRocket is one of the most downloaded for WordPress, but you also have excellent options such as: Cache Enabler, Comet Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache and Hyper Cache. Those that allow you to optimize images: Smush it is the plugin that every website should have downloaded. But you also have other alternatives like Image Optimizer. Before uploading each image to WordPress, we recommend that you pass them through online optimizers that are capable of reducing their weight by almost 90%, for this you have tools like Squoosh in which you choose the optimization percentage according to a visual comparator in the that you see the image changes.
And the own plugins for WPO: there are plugins developed solely for the purpose of global website optimization, Autoptimize is one of the most downloaded today due to its effectiveness in reducing CSS and Javascript. 4. Minimize the Javascript andthis to you in the list of plugins and we explain it to you in a little more detail in this section. Every website has Javascript and CSS resources since it is like the network of the nervous system that runs through the human body: without the programming language that builds your website, it does not exist. Almost all the websites in the world are built in this language! But we still face a "disadvantage" when it comes to SEO and that is that Google spiders are still not 100% capable of understanding the code that builds a website.