If you can't find an existing business to help, you can also start your own website or blog and try to get traffic — we don't recommend this route for novice web analysts because it can take a long time before you get meaningful data to analyze. Finish reading this Web Analytics strategy guide , of course.Results of how Web Analytics basically works — plus, the final section of this Web Analytics strategy guide will help you avoid some common pitfalls for novice web analysts.
Install Google Tag Manager . Check out this guide on how to add Google Tag Manager.Results You can easily Belgium Mobile Number List install Google Analytics tracking code on any site, set up events, and advance conversions just by touching a line of code or hiring a developer.Install Google Analytics . Check out this guide on how to install Google Analytics to your site .Results Self-explanatory, right? You need Google Analytics to implement what you've learned in this Web Analytics strategy guide.
Create a digital marketing funnel measurement plan for your business. Check out the measurement plan section of this guide to learn how to do it (and get a simple measurement plan template.)Results You will have a simple document that clearly outlines objectives, proxies, KPIs, and the most important segments for the business. You'll use this to simplify analysis and focus on what really moves the needle.